Make the Last Days of Summer Count!

Thatch Elmer posing with his beautiful steed.


Summer is winding down as we find ourselves in the dog days of September, grasping every bit of sunlight out of every single day that we can.

It takes me back to summers when I was younger, and nothing mattered besides summer days. The neighbor kids and I would ride our bikes down the dirt road, stopping at each other’s houses to see which one had the best trampoline and best supply of Otter Pops. Summer nights still smell like arena dirt and sweaty saddle blankets from that old sorrel pony I used to ride, and summer mornings take me back to walking lambs in preparation for the county fair.

This summer has had a much different feel for me, with the realization that it is my last one at home before finishing high school and moving into adulthood. So, this summer, I’ve taken the time to make it count every day.

Thatch Elmer and partner Kelton Lindsay team roping at a high school rodeo

When the alarm clock rings at 5 a.m., it’s hard not to turn it off and roll back over, but the will to win the upcoming rodeo has kept me ambitious enough to wake up and practice my skills every single day. Man, has it paid off. The most important thing I’ve learned this summer is to take advantage of opportunities that are provided to you. Make time for your family. Have as much fun as you can in the moment.

So, stop what you’re doing, pack up your family or friends, and do the things you told yourself you wanted to do when summer started. Catch a movie at the drive-in, roll the windows down and listen to your favorite songs, ride your favorite horse, catch a fish, watch the sunset — whatever you want to do with the last bit of summer we have. Make it count!

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